
Safeguarding Policy

Swindon Music Co-operative (“the Co-operative”) is committed to a practice which protects children from harm. Teacher-members, directors and employees in this organisation accept and recognise their responsibilities to develop awareness of issues that cause children harm. We will safeguard children by:

  • adopting child protection guidelines through a code of conduct for teacher- members, directors and employees;
  • sharing information about child protection and good practice with pupils, parents, co-operative teacher-members and employees;
  • sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know, and involving parents and children appropriately;
  • following ‘safer recruitment’ guidelines for selection of teacher- members, directors and employees and ensuring all necessary statutory checks are made;
  • providing effective and regular training and support for teacher-members, directors and employees;
  • we are also committed to reviewing our policy and good practice on an annual basis.

These procedures comply with current legislation/guidance:

Statement of Intent
It is the policy of the Co-operative to safeguard the welfare of all children by protecting them from all forms of abuse including physical, emotional and sexual harm. The Co-operative is committed to creating a safe environment in which children can feel comfortable and secure while engaged in any of the Co- operative’s activities. All Co-operative teacher-members, directors and employees should always show respect and understanding for individual’s rights, safety and welfare, and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the ethos and principles of the Co-operative.

Swindon Music Co-operative are looking for more Guitar, Piano and Drum Teachers! Click for details