Lesson Options and Prices

Swindon Music Co-operative offers a range of music lesson options and prices. Lessons can be provided individually, in pairs, or in groups of 3 or 4 (only available in primary schools).

Some instruments are only offered as individual lessons (e.g. drum kit and piano). Group lessons are dependent on the number of similar applications received and the availability of a suitable teaching space. If there are not enough pupils to constitute a group, an individual option will be offered.

Face-to-face lessons generally take place at school during the day. Alternatively, lessons may be arranged (by special request) after school, or at the teacher’s home, subject to availability.

Swindon Music Co-operative also provides online music lessons which have proven hugely popular during the COVID lockdowns.
Lesson prices are the same for face-to-face or remote tuition.

Swindon Music Co-operative aims to provide 34 lessons per academic year. This usually works out at 11 or 12 lessons per term but may vary depending on the length of school terms. Payment for lessons is required in advance of each term.

Lesson Options and Prices

Lesson TypeCost per lesson
Group B lesson:
3 pupils in 30 minutes or 2 pupils in 20 minutes.
(primary schools only and not available on Drums or Piano)
15 minute individual lesson or 30 minute paired lesson.£8.75
20 minute individual lesson.£11.70
30 minute individual lesson.£17.50
45 minute individual lesson (online only).£26.25
Swindon Music Co-operative are looking for more Guitar, Piano and Drum Teachers! Click for details